Drop In

(Leadership Sessions )

All Interested Applicants must:

 Must Register 1 week in advance  

Send Your Registration Here:

The Tselogs Internship Program provides the opportunity for students to gain valuable understanding of the workplace setting by character training through the enhancement of their soft skills.

Would you like to join our Paid Internship Program?

All Interested Applicants must:

 Have commitment in completing the program.
 Work 15-20 hours a week.
 Be able to work individually and with a team.
 Be willing to work at all Tselogs locations.
 Be open to learning new things.


​​Obtain a Certificate of Participation

(Leadership Sessions)

All Interested Applicants must:

 Have commitment in completing the program.
 Available for Class Sessions (1.5 hour/week)

Our Vision

To build up and equip the next generation of leaders through proper assessment, development, training. Through this program, we can effectively impart conceptual skills and leadership qualities and provide an environment for practical application. Students who complete this curriculum are expected to confidently apply their knowledge not just in their careers but in their personal lives as well. This experience aims to set a positive foundation that the students can build upon as they embark on their personal and career path.

Our Purpose

Tselogs believes that our society has a great need for mentorship. We live in a world that is profit driven while we neglect the importance of fulfillment in stewardship, leadership and serving others. While we are already in the business of training people; we can do more by imparting an effective systematic culture based on a combination of concrete principles and experience that will cultivate and develop leadership qualities and skills.

Our Mission

We aim to accomplish our vision by systematically providing a curriculum that consists of Assessment, Training, Development & Application. We have incorporated materials, teaching, personal experience and a place of application to effectively impart to our students. In addition, we are collaborating with similar industries, educators, chefs, and entrepreneurs to exchange expertise, so we can present the different facets of the industry. By having these materials available, we can guide and help direct our students lean towards their strengths and focus on their interests.

Available Programs:

- Certificate of Participation 

- Drop In

​- Returning Student

- Paid Internship